Air fried crispy bhindi

Air Fryer Bhindi (Indian)

The air fryer has changed the way we cook by giving us a better option to deep frying. It has become popular among people who want to eat healthier because it can be made crispy with little oil. In this piece, we’ll learn all about bhindi (okra), a popular Indian vegetable that can be cooked in an air fryer.

Bhindi, which is also called okra or lady’s finger, is a healthy food that is often used in Indian cooking. Its unique texture, bright green color, and strong taste make it a popular addition to many recipes.

Our favorite air fryer okra recipe: Fried Okra in Air Fryer – joyfuldinner

In this piece, we’ll learn how to make tasty air fryer bhindi by combining the benefits of this modern way to cook with the traditional flavors of Indian food. We will show you how to make crispy and tasty bhindi in your air fryer by giving you step-by-step steps, helpful tips, and ways to boost the flavor.

So, if you like air frying and want to try new recipes or if you like Indian food and want a healthier version of a classic dish, this piece will help you master the art of making bhindi in an air fryer. Get ready to enjoy the delicious tastes and textures of this crispy treat while still sticking to your health goals.

If you use air fryer regularly, then you need to know:

Ingredients needed to Air Fry Bhindi

  • Bhindi
  • Garlic powder
  • olive oil
  • black pepper
  • red chili powder
  • salt
  • turmeric powder

If you want to know which oil is good for air fryer, Check:

Ingredients for air fryer bhindi (Indian)

Preparing Bhindi for Air Frying

To get the best results when air-frying bhindi (okra), the food needs to be ready ahead of time. Here are the most important steps for making bhindi for air frying, from choosing fresh ones to keeping them from getting slimy.

Step 1: Selecting fresh and tender bhindi

fresh bhindi from local market for air frying

When picking bhindi to air fry, choose pods that are fresh and soft. Choose ones that are bright green, hard to the touch, and don’t have any spots or marks on them. Avoid bhindi that looks dull, stained, or has a lot of wrinkles. These are signs that it is old or not very good.

Step 2: Washing, drying, and trimming techniques for ladies finger

To get rid of any dirt or other impurities, bhindi must be washed and dried properly. Do these things:

a. Rinse: Put the bhindi under a stream of cool water and rub each pod gently to get rid of any dirt or waste. Make sure to rinse all surfaces well.

b. Pat Dry: After washing, pat the bhindi dry with a clean kitchen towel or paper towels. To avoid boiling while cooking, it’s important to get rid of any extra water.

c. Trim ends:  Cut off the stems and tips of the bhindi pods. This step helps make sure the food cooks evenly and looks better.

cleaned and trimmed bhindi

Step 3: Preparing a mix of olive oil, garlic powder, red chili powder, salt, and black pepper for coating

To improve the taste of your air-fried bhindi, mix together olive oil, garlic powder, red chili powder, salt, and black pepper to make a tasty coating or dressing. This fragrant mix will give the bhindi a nice hint of garlic, a small kick of heat from the chili powder, and a good balance of salt and black pepper.

Step 4: Applying coating to bhindi

Next, coat and season the bhindi with a lot of the mixture you just made. Gently toss the bhindi in the mixture, making sure that each pod is thoroughly covered with the tasty blend. You can gently rub the covering onto the bhindi with your hands or a spoon, making sure that all sides are covered. This step is essential for giving the bhindi the flavors you want and making an air-fried crust that tastes great. As the bhindi cooks, the covering will stick to it and make it taste better and smell better. Make sure that the coating is spread out properly for a consistent and tasty result.

Step 5: Transfer the coated/seasoned ladies’ finger to air fryer basket and air fry

Move the coated bhindi to the air fryer basket and set the temperature to 370 degrees Fahrenheit. Air-fry the bhindi for about 10 minutes, making sure to check on it every so often to see if it has reached the right crunch.

To keep as many of the nutrients in the okra as possible, it is best to cook it at a low temperature. Before putting the bhindi in the basket, preheating the air fryer at 370 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 minutes helps make an ideal cooking environment.

Note: You don’t have to put any foil like aluminum  or parchment paper on the bottom of the aluminum foil or parchment paper on bottom of air fryer basket. Also, always avoid using wax paper or any plastic in air fryer.

air fried bhindi in Indian style

Air fried crispy bhindi

Air Fryer Bhindi (Indian)

Air-fried bhindi, a delicious Indian dish, is a healthier and more delicious alternative to standard deep-fried okra. With very little oil and the hot air circulating in the air fryer, the bhindi gets a crispy outside while keeping its soft texture and unique flavors. This dish combines the bright green okra with a tempting mix of spices to make a tasty, guilt-free treat. Whether you eat it as a side dish, a snack, or as part of a main meal, air fryer bhindi is a delicious way to enjoy the authentic tastes of Indian food while using a healthier cooking method.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Total Time 15 mins
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Main Course, Side Dish, Snack
Servings 2 people


  • 1 Air Fryer


  • 200 gram Okra
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • ¼ tbsp garlic powder
  • ¼ tbsp black pepper
  • ¼ tbsp salt
  • ¼ tbsp red chili powder



Keyword Air fryer bhindi (Indian)

Try our healthy and quick air fryer recipes

Understanding Bhindi

Bhindi is a bright green vegetable that is a staple in Indian cooking. It is also known as okra or lady’s finger. Let’s talk about how it looks, how it feels, how it tastes, what it means to different cultures, and how good it is for you.

Appearance, Texture, and Taste

Bhindi is a type of squash that is long and has ridges on its surface. It’s usually small to medium in size, and when cooked, it’s tender but still a little hard. The thin skin on the outside of bhindi can be smooth or a little fuzzy.

When it comes to taste, bhindi is different from other vegetables. It tastes mild and earthy, with just a touch of sweetness. When bhindi is cooked right, it is soft but still has a little crunch to it.

Cultural Significance and Popularity of Bhindi

Bhindi has a special place in Indian cooking and is very popular because it can be used in so many different ways. It is a key part of many recipes, from snacks and side dishes to curries and stir-fries. Bhindi is famous because it can take on flavors and spices well, making it a great base for many different dishes.

In India, bhindi is important for more than just its taste. It is also a part of the culture. It is linked to old, regional recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation, which adds to its charm and appeal.

Nutritional Benefits of Bhindi (Okra)

Bhindi is not only tasty, but it is also good for you in many ways. It is a food that is low in calories and full of good things for you. Here are some of the ways that bhindi is good for your health:

Bhindi are rich in vitamins

Bhindi is a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin K. Vitamin C is important for improving your immune system, and vitamin K is important for your blood to clot and for healthy bones.

They contain important Minerals like, magnesium and potassium

Potassium, magnesium, and calcium are some of the elements found in bhindi. These nutrients help the body do many things, like keep the heart healthy and build strong bones.

Bhindi have high fiber content

If you eat bhindi in your dinner and wake up next morning very fresh don’t be surprised. It is because of high fiber content in bhindi. Bhindi is a food that is high in fiber. Fiber helps keep your digestive system healthy and helps you control your weight. The fiber also helps control how much sugar is in the blood.

Adding bhindi to your diet not only makes your food taste better, but it also helps your general health by giving you important vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

By knowing how bhindi looks, feels, tastes, is used culturally, and is good for your health, you can fully respect and enjoy the culinary journey of making air fryer bhindi.

Why Choose Air Fryer for Bhindi

When it comes to cooking bhindi (okra), using an air fryer is better than deep-frying in a lot of ways. Let’s talk about why it’s smart to use an air fryer to make crispy, tasty bhindi while keeping health in mind.

Advantages of Using an Air Fryer

Reduced Oil Consumption

When compared to deep frying, air frying uses a lot less oil. By moving hot air around the food, they make the outside crispy without using too much oil. Because less oil is used, air frying is a healthier option.

Healthier Cooking Method

Air-frying is a healthier way to cook because it doesn’t have the problems that deep-frying does, like soaking up too much oil. By using less oil, air-frying helps cut down on calories and unhealthy fats, which makes for a better diet.

Less Mess and Hassle

Unlike traditional deep frying, which uses a lot of hot oil and can be hard to clean up, air frying is a clean and easy way to cook. It means you don’t have to deal with oil splatters, which makes it an easy and safer choice.

Time and energy efficiency

Most of the time, air fryers cook food faster than traditional stoves or stovetops. You save time and energy in the kitchen because they heat up quickly and cook food evenly.

Retaining Natural Flavors and Textures

One of the best things about air-frying bhindi is that its natural tastes and textures can be kept. The hot air moving through the pan helps cook the bhindi evenly and keep its natural flavor and crunch. This means you can enjoy the different tastes and textures of bhindi without sacrificing your health or the real taste of Indian food.

Air-frying is the perfect method because it gives the bhindi a crispy outside while keeping the inside soft. The result is a tasty mix of different textures that will make your taste buds happy.

By cooking bhindi in an air fryer, you can reduce the amount of oil you use, make food healthier, save time, and keep the natural flavors and textures of this favorite vegetable. Get ready to enjoy tasty bhindi that has been air-fried without losing any of its health benefits.

Tips for Achieving Crispy and Evenly Cooked Bhindi

Think about these helpful tips to take your air-fried bhindi to the next level:

a. Toss the Bhindi: Halfway through the cooking time, give the bhindi in the air fryer basket a gentle shake or toss. This makes sure the food cooks evenly and helps get a crisp taste all over.

b. Don’t crowd the air fryer basket: Put the bhindi in a single layer, leaving enough room between each pod. Overcrowding can make the food cook unevenly and make it less crispy.

c. Spray with Cooking Oil: Before you air fry the bhindi, lightly spray it with cooking oil. This extra bit of oil gives the bhindi a golden brown color and makes them crispier all around.

d. Try different seasonings. A basic blend of seasonings is tasty, but you can also try adding other spices and tastes. To improve the taste of the bhindi, try adding cumin powder, ginger, or chaat masala.

Serve right away: The air-fried bhindi will have the best texture and taste if you serve it right away after cooking. This helps keep the outside crispy and makes sure you have a great meal.

If you follow these steps and ideas, you’ll be able to air fry bhindi like a pro. With the help of a modern air fryer, you can enjoy the crispy, tasty, and healthy goodness of this favorite Indian veggie.

FAQ about Bhindi/Okra in air fryer

How many calories are in Bhindi that is air-fried?

The number of calories in air-fried bhindi depends on things like how big the pods are and how much oil is used. A serving of air-fried bhindi, which is about 100 grams, has on average between 80 and 100 calories. But keep in mind that the number of calories can change depending on the dish and how it is cooked.

Can I use frozen bhindi in my air fryer?

Yes, you can use bhindi that has been frozen in the air fryer. But the frozen bhindi needs to be thawed before air frying so that it cooks evenly. Put the bhindi in the fridge overnight or use the thaw setting on your microwave to get it ready to use. Once the food has thawed, you can prepare it and air fry it as normal.

What can you use instead of Indian herbs to flavor Bhindi?

If you want to try out different flavors or don’t have access to Indian spices, you can season bhindi with a number of other things. Try spices like paprika, cayenne pepper, dried oregano, dried basil, or even a mix of herbs like Italian seasoning. Try out different mixtures of flavors to find the ones you like best.

How can I keep Bhindi from getting too dry in the air fryer?

There are a few things you can do when air-frying bhindi to keep it from getting too dry:

Use a light coating of oil. Air frying needs less oil than traditional deep frying, but putting a light coating of oil on the bhindi before air frying can help keep in moisture and keep it from getting too dry.

Avoid overcooking: When air-frying the bhindi, keep a close eye on it and cook it for the suggested time or until it’s as crisp as you like it. If you cook bhindi for too long, it can get dry and tough.

Add moisture with toppings: After air-frying, try adding a sprinkle of lemon juice, chaat masala, or a tangy yogurt-based sauce to add moisture and boost the flavor of the bhindi.

Can I cook Bhindi in the air without any oil?

Even though a small amount of oil can make air-fried bhindi taste and feel better, you can air-fry bhindi without any oil. Keep in mind, though, that the bhindi may not get as crispy as it would if it had a small coating of oil. Before air-frying the bhindi, you might want to spray it with a cooking oil spray or toss it with a small amount of oil, like a non-stick cooking spray or a few spritzes of water, to get better results.

When cooking bhindi without oil, make sure to change the cooking time and temperature so it doesn’t dry out.

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