Chicken gizzard

Air Fryer Chicken Gizzard

Delicious chicken gizzard cooked in air fryer.

In recent years, air-frying has become very popular as a healthier option to traditional ways of frying. The idea is to cook food by moving hot air around, which makes it crispy and tasty without using too much oil. This way of cooking has taken the culinary world by storm because it lets you eat your favorite cooked foods without feeling bad about it. Try this easy to cook and delicious tender air fryer chicken gizzard.

Air-frying has become a popular way to cook many foods, but chicken gizzards are a special treat that benefit greatly from this process. These small, tasty bites are known for their unique flavor and texture, which is soft but slightly crunchy. Whether you’re a fan of gizzards or just want to try something new, air-fried chicken gizzards are worth a try.

When you cook chicken gizzards in an air fryer, they take on a whole new level of appeal. High heat and moving air help them get a deliciously crispy outside while keeping their juicy insides. This perfect mix of textures makes chicken gizzards taste even better and makes them a treat that food lovers can’t resist.

In the parts that follow, we’ll learn more about air fryer chicken gizzards, including what they are, what the benefits of air frying are, and how to make this delicious dish in the comfort of your own kitchen. Get ready to go on a culinary adventure that will satisfy your taste buds and impress your friends.

What is Chicken’s Gizzard?

A gizzard is essentially the chicken’s stomach. A muscle called a gizzard, which is made up of contracting muscular walls, is situated in the chicken’s digestive system. The chicken’s gizzards are kept in good condition by the course, sand-like particles they consume when pecking the ground. These fragments enter the digestive tract of a chicken and land in its gizzard. Furthermore, the contraction of the gizzard muscle upon meal entry into the small intestine aids in the food’s crushing and subsequent transformation into essential nutrients.

Chicken gizzards have a unique mix of taste and texture that makes them a great food. The texture is soft but slightly chewy, making it satisfying to bite into. It has a rich, savory flavor with a bit of earthiness. Because of these things, chicken gizzards are a choice of people who like strong flavors and different textures in their food.

Chicken gizzards are a great source of many important nutrients. They are a great source of high-quality protein, are low in fat, and have important minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium. Also, they have B vitamins, which are important for making energy and keeping a good metabolism. Adding chicken gizzards to your diet can help make a meal more complete and healthier.

One of the best things about chicken gizzards is that they can be used in a wide range of cuisines and recipes. They are used in many different kinds of food around the world, from stir-fries in Asia to comfort food in the South. Chicken gizzards can be marinated, grilled, sautéed, braised, or air-fried, which is what we will look at. Because they can soak up flavors, they are great in soups, stews, on skewers, or even as a starter on their own. Because they can be used in many different ways, chicken gizzards make it easy to try new things and make tasty meals.

Benefits of Air Fryer Chicken Gizzard

Air frying is becoming more popular because it is a better way to cook that gives food the same crispy texture as traditional frying while using less oil. With this method, the food is cooked by moving hot air around quickly. Air-frying has several benefits over deep-frying, especially when it comes to cooking chicken gizzards.

When chicken gizzards are cooked in an air fryer, less oil is used. Traditional ways of frying often involve putting the gizzards in a lot of oil, which makes for a high-calorie meal. When you air fry, on the other hand, you only need a small amount of oil or none at all. This cuts down on the general number of calories and the amount of unhealthy fats, making it a healthier choice.

One of the best things about air-frying chicken gizzards is that you can make the outside crispy and evenly cooked. The air fryer’s hot air movement makes the gizzards’ crust golden and crispy, like when they are deep-fried. The result is gizzards that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, which makes for a satisfying eating experience.

Before you air fry chicken gizzards, you should season and marinade them to make them taste better. You can try different seasonings like garlic powder, paprika, herbs, or even a little bit of heat to see what you like best. By marinating the gizzards ahead of time, you can add more taste and soften the meat. Make sure you give the tastes enough time to soak in by marinating the meat for at least 30 minutes and up to a few hours.

By air-frying chicken gizzards, you can enjoy a healthier version of this delicious meal without sacrificing taste or texture. Air frying is a great way to cook chicken gizzards because it uses less oil, makes the food crispy, and lets you adjust the spice. Keeping these benefits in mind, let’s move on to the next part, where we’ll show you step-by-step how to cook chicken gizzards in an air fryer.

Different ways of cleaning chicken gizzard

uncleaned chicken gizzard.

Gizzards from chickens must be well-cleaned before cooking. Since the gizzards will be chewy, you might wish to clip out any extra connective tissue, sinew, or silver skin. Gizzards should also be washed to remove any dirt. It doesn’t take much work because most gizzards are already partially cleaned before they are sold. Sometimes all you need is a simple rinse under the sink.

chicken gizzard in air fryer ready to eat.


  • 1 packet Chicken Gizzard
  • 2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Garlic powder or paste
  • Onion leaves
  • Cilantro leaves
  • Lemon

Instruction on cooking cleaned chicken gizzard

The steps below will guide you if you’re wondering “how to cook chicken gizzards?“.


The first thing to do is clean your gizzards if you haven’t previously. Your fingertips and running water can now be used to wash the silt away. Peel off the lining with a yellow tinge once the gizzard is clean.

removing yellow tinge and cleaning the chicken gizzard.

Gizzards generally benefit from cooking low and slow with damp heat they already have a chewy dense texture so cooking them at a high temperature will just make them tougher.


Boil chicken gizzards for around 5 – 10 minutes to make them soft. Cook longer for the desired tenderness. The time spent frying is reduced by boiling, and the gizzard comes out juicier.

boiling the chicken gizzard.


Cut each gizzard into two to three pieces and seasoning is done using olive oil (you can also use vegetable oil or any other cooking oil but make sure the temperature of oil is about 400-degree Fahrenheit or higher), garlic powder, turmeric powder (optional), black pepper, salt and red chili powder (optional). You can check on how to add oil in air fryer.

Seasoning the chicken gizzard.
seasoned chicken gizzard .


You can simply spray oil in the air fryer basket or place aluminum foil or parchment paper but don’t put paper plate or wax paper or any plastic plate. Place the chicken gizzards that have been seasoned in the basket of an air fryer and cook them for 10 minutes at 370 degrees Fahrenheit. You may choose to preheat air fryer before adding gizzard. If you have never boiled the gizzard before, air fry it for about 20 minutes. Every air fryer is different, so keep an eye on it when you think it’s almost done.

instructions for air frying chicken gizzard
cooked chicken gizzard
delicious air fried chicken gizzard with lemon
air fryer chicken gizzard

Air Fryer Chicken Gizzard

Chicken gizzards are a great source of many important nutrients. They are a great source of high-quality protein, are low in fat, and have important minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium. Also, they have B vitamins, which are important for making energy and keeping a good metabolism. Adding chicken gizzards to your diet can help make a meal more complete and healthier. Enjoy this air fry tender chicken gizzard.
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 15 mins
Total Time 25 mins
Servings 2


  • 1 Air Fryer


  • 2 lb Chicken gizzard
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • ½ tbsp black pepper
  • ½ tbsp Salt
  • ½ tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 Onion leaves optional
  • ½ Cilantro leaves optional
  • ¼ Lemon optional


  • The first thing to do is clean your gizzards if you haven’t previously. Your fingertips and running water can now be used to wash the silt away. Peel off the lining with a yellow tinge once the gizzard is clean.
    Gizzards generally benefit from cooking low and slow with damp heat they already have a chewy dense texture so cooking them at a high temperature will just make them tougher.
    uncleaned chicken gizzard.
  • Boil chicken gizzards for around 5 – 10 minutes to make them soft. Cook longer for the desired tenderness. The time spent frying is reduced by boiling, and the gizzard comes out juicier.
    boiling chicken gizzard.
  • Cut each gizzard into two to three pieces and seasoning is done using olive oil (you can also use vegetable oil or any other cooking oil but make sure the temperature of oil is about 400-degree Fahrenheit or higher), garlic powder, turmeric powder (optional), black pepper, salt and red chili powder (optional). You can check on how to add oil in air fryer.
    seasoned chicken gizzard.
  • You can simply spray oil in the air fryer basket or place aluminum foil or parchment paper but don’t put paper plate or wax paper or any plastic plate. Place the chicken gizzards that have been seasoned in the basket of an air fryer and cook them for 10 minutes at 370 degrees Fahrenheit. You may choose to preheat air fryer before adding gizzard. If you have never boiled the gizzard before, air fry it for about 20 minutes. Every air fryer is different, so keep an eye on it when you think it’s almost done.
    seasoned chicken gizzard in air fryer basket.
Keyword Air Frtyer Chicken Gizzard

What are the Health Benefits of Chicken Gizzards

  • Protein-rich source
  • Rich in vitamins
  • Slim in fat
  • Immune system builder
  • Transforms proteins into amino acids, which are excellent for muscular growth, by breaking down proteins.
  • Increases your body’s red blood cells, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and the content of these elements.
  • Blood flow and bone health are both improved.

Can I use frozen chicken gizzards in an air fryer?

Yes, you can use chicken gizzards that have been frozen in an air fryer. But for more even cooking, it’s best to let them thaw first. You can thaw frozen gizzards by putting them in the fridge overnight or by using the defrost setting on your microwave.

What are some alternative seasonings for air fryer chicken gizzards?

You can try different spices on chicken gizzards cooked in the air fryer. Cajun seasoning, lemon pepper, barbecue seasoning, or a mix of your favorite herbs and spices are all good choices. Feel free to use your imagination and try out different flavors.

How do I clean the air fryer after cooking chicken gizzards?

It’s not too hard to clean the air fryer after cooking chicken gizzards in it. Start by removing the device and giving it some time to cool down. Then take off the parts that come off, like the basket and tray, and wash them with warm clean water. Use a sponge or cloth that won’t scratch the inside of the air fryer to clean it. Make sure to follow the cleaning directions given by the manufacturer.

Can I cook other parts of the chicken in the air fryer using the same recipe?

Absolutely! Using the same method as for chicken gizzards, the air fryer can be used to cook other parts of the chicken as well. You can change the cooking time for chicken wings, drumsticks, or even raw chicken breasts to make sure they are cooked all the way through. For the best results, change the seasonings and length of time in the marinade based on the cut of chicken.

Are air fryer chicken gizzards suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

Chicken gizzards cooked in an air fryer can be a good choice for people with special diets, especially those who want a low-carb or keto-friendly option. But it’s important to think about your own dietary needs and talk to a health professional if you have worries or restrictions about your diet.

Can I reheat air fryer chicken gizzards?

Yes, you can heat up chicken gizzards in an air fryer. To keep the gizzards’ crispiness, heat the air fryer to a medium temperature and heat the gizzards for a few minutes, or until they are hot all the way through. Be careful not to heat them, as that could make them dry.

What should I do if the chicken gizzards turn out dry in the air fryer?

If you use an air fryer and the chicken gizzards, come out dry, try lowering the cooking time or changing the temperature for the next batch. You can also brush the gizzards with a little oil or butter before air-frying them to help keep in the wetness. You can also avoid dryness by trying out different ways to marinate the meat or by using a meat tenderizer before cooking.

How do I make crispy chicken gizzards in an air fryer?

Follow these steps to make crispy chicken gizzards in an air fryer:

  • Start by cleaning the chicken gizzards and getting them ready. Take off any extra fat or membranes, and pat dry.
  • Put the gizzards in a bowl. Add the spices and herbs you like to the bowl. Garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper are all common choices. For a hot kick, you can also add a little cayenne pepper or other spices.
  • Toss the gizzards that have been seasoned until they are evenly covered. You can put them in a marinade in the fridge for 30 minutes to a few hours to make them taste even better.
  • Set the air fryer’s temperature to the suggested level, which is usually around 400°F (200°C).
  • Put the spiced gizzards in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Don’t put too many things in the oven at once to make sure that air can move and that everything cooks evenly.
  • Air-fry the gizzards for about 15 to 20 minutes, turning them over halfway through. The size of the gizzards and the type of air fryer will affect how long it takes to cook.
  • Cut into one of the gizzards to make sure they are cooked all the way through. The temperature inside should be at least 165°F (74°C).
  • Once the gizzards are crispy and golden brown, take them out of the air fryer and let them cool for a few minutes.
  • Serve the crispy chicken gizzards as a starter, a snack, or as part of a main dish. You can eat them with dipping sauces or on their own.

Are air fried chicken gizzards healthier than deep-fried ones?

Yes, chicken gizzards that are air-fried are usually thought to be better than ones that are deep-fried. Air-frying uses a lot less oil than deep-frying, so there are fewer calories and fats in the food. By moving hot air around, air cooking can make the outside of food crispy without using a lot of oil. This makes air-fried chicken gizzards a healthier option because they have less unhealthy fats but still have a satisfying crunch.

Can I use different seasonings for air fryer chicken gizzards?

Absolutely! One of the best things about cooking chicken gizzards in an air fryer is that you can use different spices based on how you like them to taste. Feel free to try out different herbs, spices, and sauces to make your food taste different. Adding Cajun seasoning, Italian herbs, lemon pepper, or even a mix of your favorite spices to your air-fried chicken gizzards can make them taste great.

What other dishes can I make with chicken gizzards?

Chicken gizzards can be used in many different recipes. Here are some suggestions:

Stir-fried Chicken Gizzards: To make a tasty stir-fry, sauté gizzards with veggies and your choice of sauces.
Gizzard Skewers: Marinate gizzards, put them on skewers, and grill or broil them for a tasty starter or main dish.
Gizzard Soup: To make a hearty and comforting soup, simmer gizzards with aromatic veggies and broth.
Gizzard Tacos or Wraps: Slice cooked gizzards and put them in tacos, burritos, or wraps for a tasty filler.
Gizzard Curry: To make a tasty curry dish, add gizzards to a curry sauce made with spices, coconut milk, and vegetables.
Get creative and try out different types of food to find new and interesting ways to use chicken gizzards in your cooking.

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