air fryer garlic green beans ready.

Garlic Green Beans in Air Fryer

Air fryer garlic roasted green beans ready to eat.

With our amazing recipe for air fryer garlic green beans, you can eat green beans without feeling bad about it. In this article, we’ll show you how to make air fryer garlic green beans, which are a tasty treat. We’ll talk about the benefits of air cooking and the health benefits of green beans. We’ll also give you a step-by-step recipe that will make you want more. Get ready to enjoy the perfect combination of crispy texture and savory garlic flavor, all while cooking in a better way. Let’s dive right into the good stuff!

Air frying has changed the way we cook because it is better than deep frying without sacrificing taste or texture. In air frying, fast circulation of hot air around the food makes the outside crispy while keeping the inside wet.

People who care about their health can get a lot out of air-frying. When compared to traditional frying methods, it uses a lot less oil, which lowers the total number of calories and fat in the dish. Hot air moving around the oven makes sure that everything cooks evenly. This means that you don’t need to use too much oil to get foods that are properly browned and crispy.
Also, air-frying takes away the need to deal with hot oil and the greasy mess that comes after deep-frying. It also cuts down on leftover smells in the kitchen, making it an easy and clean way to cook.

A Brief Look at Green Beans and What They Can Do for You

Green beans, which are also called string beans or snap beans, are a popular food that people like for their crisp texture and bright green color. They have few calories and a lot of important nutrients, which makes them a healthy addition to any meal.
Green beans are a great source of dietary fiber, which helps your body digest food and makes you feel full. They also have minerals like potassium and folate, as well as vitamins A, C, and K. These vitamins and minerals help keep your immune system healthy, improve bone health, and support your general health.

When you eat green beans, you get antioxidant substances that help fight against oxidative stress and protect the body from chronic diseases. Green beans are a great ingredient for many dishes because they are healthy and taste great, like in our delicious air fryer garlic green beans.

Ingredients and Equipment

List of Ingredients for Air Fryer Garlic Green Beans

  • Fresh green beans: 1 pound (450 grams)
  • Olive oil: 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic cloves: 2-3 cloves, minced
  • Salt: ½ teaspoon (adjust to taste)
  • Black pepper: ¼ teaspoon (adjust to taste)
  • Optional: Red pepper flakes, for a hint of spice
  • Optional: Lemon zest, for a refreshing twist
  • Optional: Parmesan cheese, grated, for a savory finish
    Note: Feel free to adjust the quantities of the ingredients based on your personal preferences.

Description of the Air Fryer and Other Equipment Needed

To make these delicious garlic green beans in an air fryer, you’ll need the following:

Air fryer

An air fryer is a countertop equipment that cooks food by moving hot air around it. It usually has a cooking basket or tray, a heating source, and a fan to distribute the air evenly. Make sure that your air fryer is clean and works well.

Mixing bowl

You’ll need a medium-sized mixing bowl to toss the green beans with the spices.

Kitchen tongs or a spatula

You’ll need a tool to turn the green beans and stir them while they cook in the air fryer.

Cutting board and knife

Use a cutting board and a sharp knife to trim the ends of the green beans and chop the garlic pieces.

Tools for measuring

Get out measuring spoons to make sure the olive oil, salt, pepper, and other extra ingredients are added in the right amounts.

Having these important ingredients and tools ready will make cooking our irresistible air fryer garlic green beans a smooth and enjoyable experience. Let’s move on to the next part and start making this delicious meal!

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Prepare the Green Beans for Air Frying


Choose fresh green beans as a starting point. Look for beans that are bright green, firm, and free of any flaws or wrinkles. When you bend the beans, they should break easily.


Trim the ends off the green beans. If you want, you can also gently pull off the stringy threads on the sides of the beans.

Trimming off the green beans.


Trim the ends off the green beans. If you want, you can also gently pull off the stringy threads on the sides of the beans.

Cleaning the green beans.


Use olive oil, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper to season the green beans. You can use any ingredients for seasoning the green beans. You don’t have to use olive oil, though. You can use any other cooking oil that has a smoke point of 400 degrees Fahrenheit or more, such as vegetable oil. The general rule is that the smoke point of the oil should be higher than the air fryer’s temperature. Check out how to add oil to an air fryer if you’re not sure.

Let the green beans soak for 10 to 15 minutes (optional). This will help the flavors mix and make the dish taste better.

Seasoning the green beans using olive oil, garlic paste, salt and black pepper.


Once the air fryer is preheated, put the seasoned green beans in the basket and cook them at 360 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 to 10 minutes. When making green beans, it’s important not to cook them at too high of a temperature or their nutrients will be lost.

Air frying the garlic seasoned green beans at 360-degree Fahrenheit for 8 -1 0 minutes.


After 10 minutes of air frying, your garlic roasted green beans should be ready.

Air fryed green beans in basket.

air fryer garlic green beans ready.

Garlic Green Beans in Air Fryer

When you eat green beans, you get antioxidant substances that help fight against oxidative stress and protect the body from chronic diseases. Green beans are a great ingredient for many dishes because they are healthy and taste great, like in our delicious air fryer garlic green beans.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 8 mins
Servings 2 people
Calories 66 kcal


  • 1 Air Fryer
  • 1 Spatula optional


  • 450 g Fresh green beans
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • ½ tbsp Salt
  • ¼ tbsp Black pepper


  • Choose fresh green beans as a starting point. Look for beans that are bright green, firm, and free of any flaws or wrinkles. When you bend the beans, they should break easily.
  • Trim the ends off the green beans. If you want, you can also gently pull off the stringy threads on the sides of the beans.
    cleaning the green beans.
  • Trim the ends off the green beans. If you want, you can also gently pull off the stringy threads on the sides of the beans.
    treaming the green beans.
  • Use olive oil, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper to season the green beans. You can use any ingredients for seasoning the green beans. You don't have to use olive oil, though. You can use any other cooking oil that has a smoke point of 400 degrees Fahrenheit or more, such as vegetable oil. The general rule is that the smoke point of the oil should be higher than the air fryer's temperature. Check out how to add oil to an air fryer if you're not sure. Let the green beans soak for 10 to 15 minutes (optional). This will help the flavors mix and make the dish taste better.
    Seasoned green beans in the air fryer basket.
  • Once the air fryer is preheated, put the seasoned green beans in the basket and cook them at 360 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 to 10 minutes. When making green beans, it's important not to cook them at too high of a temperature or their nutrients will be lost.
    Instruction on air frying the green beans.
  • After 10 minutes of air frying, your garlic-roasted green beans should be ready.
    air fryer garlic green beans ready.
Keyword garlic green beans in air fryer
Garlic Green Beans in Air Fryer YouTube Video

Tips on Selecting Fresh Green Beans and Proper Washing Techniques

Advice on how to choose fresh green beans and wash them properly

When choosing green beans, choose ones that are hard, crisp, and have a lot of color. Avoid beans that look soft, have changed color, or show other signs of being bad.

If you can, choose organic green beans to avoid toxins as much as possible.

To wash the green beans, put them in a bowl of water or hold them under cold running water. Use your fingers to gently rub the beans together to get rid of any dirt or dust.

Use a clean kitchen towel or paper towels to dry the green beans after you’ve washed them. Making sure they are dry helps the spices stick better while they are cooking.

If you want to prepare the green beans ahead of time, you can keep them in the fridge for up to a day in a sealed container or plastic bag. But for the best taste and freshness, they should be cooked as soon as possible.

By following these simple steps and choosing fresh green beans, you’ll be well on your way to making an irresistible batch of air fryer garlic green beans. Now, let’s move on to the next part to learn about exciting ways to season and flavor our dish.

Seasoning and Flavoring 

Seasoning Suggestions

Here are some standard seasonings that go well with garlic green beans cooked in an air fryer and will make them taste even better:


Since garlic is already a key ingredient, you can add more or less of it depending on how strong or weak you want the garlic taste to be.

Salt and pepper

These two common ingredients are a simple but important way to bring out the green beans’ natural tastes.


Try out herbs like thyme, rosemary, oregano, and sage to add a pleasant smell. Before air-frying the green beans, just sprinkle them with some dried herbs or finely chopped fresh herbs.

Even though the standard seasonings are delicious, you can also get creative with flavor combinations to make your air fryer garlic green beans taste just the way you like them:

Lemon Zest

Before cooking the green beans, grate some fresh lemon zest over them for a spicy twist. The citrusy smell and tangy taste will give the dish a pleasant kick.

Red Pepper Flakes

If you like a little spice, put some red pepper flakes on the green beans. Depending on how spicy you want it, change the amount.

Parmesan Cheese

Grate some Parmesan cheese over the cooked green beans for a salty, cheesy finish. The taste of nuts and the way the cheese melts will take the dish to a whole new level.

Sesame Seeds

Toasted sesame seeds can give the green beans a delicious nutty flavor. Before air-frying the beans, sprinkle them on top to add crunch and taste.

Feel free to try out these ideas or come up with your own mixtures of flavors. The air fryer garlic green beans give you a lot of room to be creative in the kitchen and let you make the dish fit your own tastes. Now that our seasonings are ready, let’s move on to the next part and find out how to cook these delicious green beans in the air fryer to perfection!

Cooking Method

Detailed Instructions on How to Cook Air Fryer Garlic Green Beans

Turn your air fryer on for about 3–5 minutes at 400°F (200°C).

Once the air fryer is hot, put the seasoned green beans in the basket or pan. Spread them out in one layer to make sure they all cook at the same rate.

Put the basket or tray into the air fryer and cook the green beans for 8 to 10 minutes, shaking or turning them halfway through. This helps make sure that all sides are cooked the same.

Watch the green beans closely as they cook so they don’t burn. Depending on how crisp you want the potatoes to be, you may need to change the cooking time a little.

When the timer goes off, carefully take the basket or pan out of the air fryer. The green beans should be tender-crunchy and have a tasty golden crust.

Recommended Temperature, Cooking Time, and Methods for Getting the Crispiness You Want


Preheating the air fryer to 400°F (200°C) makes sure that the green beans cook quickly and evenly, giving them a crispy structure.

Cooking Time

8 to 10 minutes at 400°F (200°C) is a general rule of thumb for cooking time. Change the time a little depending on the type of air fryer you have, the thickness of the green beans, and how crispy you want them to be. If you want them to be softer, cook them for a little less time. If you want them to be crispier, cook them for a little longer.

Techniques for Achieving Desired Crispiness

Before air-frying, you can lightly spray the seasoned green beans with cooking oil to make them even crispier. This helps make the outside brown and crunchy. Also, flipping or shaking the green beans halfway through cooking makes sure that they cook evenly on all sides and stay crisp.

By following these cooking instructions and tips, you can make air-fried garlic green beans that are perfectly cooked and have a wonderful crispness that will make you want more. In the next part, we’ll talk about how to serve and present these delicious green beans for a tasty meal.

Health Benefits Associated with Air Frying and Green Beans

When compared to standard deep frying, air frying has a number of health benefits. By using little or no oil, air-frying cuts the amount of calories and fat in a dish by a lot. This can help with weight control and lower the risk of heart disease that comes with a high-fat diet.

On the other hand, green beans are full of good things for your body. They are low in calories and high in fiber, which helps your body digest food and makes you feel full. Fiber also helps control blood sugar and keeps your gut system healthy.

Green beans are a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium and folate. These vitamins and minerals are important for keeping your immune system healthy, making sure your bones are healthy, and taking care of your general health.

How Air Fryer Garlic Green Beans Can Be Part of a Balanced Diet

Garlic green beans cooked in an air fryer can be a tasty and healthy addition to a healthy diet. By air-frying, you can get the crispiness and taste without using too much oil. This makes it a healthier choice than foods that are deep-fried.
Adding green beans to your diet gives you a variety of important nutrients and fiber. You can use them as a side dish, as part of a stir-fry, or add them to salads or Buddha bowls to make your meals more filling and healthier.

To keep a balanced diet, you should eat the air fryer garlic green beans with a range of other foods, like lean proteins, whole grains, and different fruits and vegetables. This helps make sure that you get enough vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients.
When planning your meals, don’t forget to watch your portions and eat in moderation. Adding air fryer garlic green beans to a healthy diet lets you get the health benefits of green beans while also enjoying a tasty and filling food.

Questions Often Asked (FAQs) about Air Frying Green Beans

Can I substitute frozen green beans for fresh ones?

It is possible to use frozen green beans, but the taste and cooking time may change. For the best results, we suggest using fresh green beans because they tend to get crispier in the air fryer. If you want to use frozen green beans, make sure to let them thaw before cooking and change the cooking time accordingly.

What are some other ways to season green beans besides garlic?

Garlic, salt, and pepper are standard seasonings for garlic green beans, but you can also get creative with other flavors. For a bit of heat, try adding paprika, cayenne pepper, or crushed red pepper flakes. You can also try freshening up the dish with herbs like rosemary, thyme, or even a squeeze of lemon juice.

How do I store air-fried garlic green beans that I don’t finish?

If you have any green beans left over, let them cool completely before putting them in a jar with a lid. Keep them in the fridge for up to two or three days. Before serving, it’s best to warm them in the air fryer for a few minutes so that they stay crispy.

Are air-fried green beans as healthy as those that have been steamed?

Green beans that are air-fried are a healthier choice to those that are deep-fried. By using little or no oil, air-frying cuts the number of calories and fat in a dish by a lot. But green beans keep more of their natural nutrients when they are steamed. Both ways of cooking have their pros and cons, so it comes down to personal taste and dietary goals.

Can I use the same process to cook other vegetables in the air fryer?

Absolutely! The air fryer can be used to cook many different kinds of veggies. You can try air-frying zucchini, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, or even broccoli. To get the affects you want, just change the cooking time and temperature based on the vegetable you’re using.

”This website only gives rough nutritional data as a courtesy and for convenience.”

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